
Skin High Hydration

It is a treatment especially suitable for all skin types. Its objective is to restore balance and cutaneous homeostasis and this is achieved through a recovery of hydration from tissue depth to the surface.


Mud Therapy

Is a cosmetic technique that is based on the use of clay sludge that improves health. The mud has different properties that stand out for its ability to cool, moisturize, deflate and heal, this is the reason why it can be used for different purposes.


Wine Therapy

It is a type of beauty treatment that is applied to skin care, well-being and relaxation, which combines the techniques of spas and spa with the antioxidant properties of grapes and wine.


Chocolate Therapy

Is indicated mainly by its fat-reducing action, so it is recommended to treat sagging and cellulite. Another great benefit that it brings us is its antioxidant effect, which helps in anti-aging treatments revitalizing the skin in an amazing way.


Facial Cleanup

It is a treatment to improve the health and appearance of facial skin. It allows to eliminate blackheads, comedones and impurities that accumulate day by day and make the skin lose vitality, freshness and luminosity


Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.